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Geared for Growth Property Investing Podcast

May 24, 2017

Paul Sonntag is a clever bugger, coming equipped with an MBA and everything. He also has great hair, which is beside the point, but worth mentioning given episode one featured Pete Wargent, who also has great hair.

Getting to the serious stuff, Paul is a buyers agent and founder of Aquus Property Buyers. Paul is a...

May 5, 2017

A quick introduction to the Geared for Growth Property Investing Podcast by host Mike Mortlock. Listen to hear what this whole thing is about and what you can expect!

May 5, 2017

Pete Wargent, Co-founder of Allen Wargent Property Advisory and renouned finance and real estate author, talks about how he came to be one of Australia's leading financial and real estate commentators and shares his philosophy of wealth creation. We talk about the power of compound interest, diversification,...